7 ways to get the most out of your stove

Wood burning stoves are a great way to keep your home warm and cosy during the winter months. They are efficient and environmentally friendly, but if you want to get the most out of your wood-burning stove, there are a few things you can do. Here are seven ways to maximise your stove’s efficiency and get the most heat from it.

Choose the right wood 

Choosing the right type of wood can have a big impact on the heat output of your stove. Hardwoods like oak, maple, and ash burn hotter and longer than softwoods like pine and spruce. Hardwoods are also denser, which means they produce more heat per log. So, if you want to get the most heat from your wooden stove, choose hardwoods. Always ensure the wood is dry; either well-seasoned or kiln-dried.



Hardwood store


Keep your flue ways clean and clear 

A dirty stove and flue will not burn as efficiently as a clean one. Make sure you clean your wood-burning stove regularly, including the flue. A build-up of soot will reduce air flow which will can reduce the heat output of your stove and also increase the risk of a fire. 



chimney brush out of the pot


Use the right size logs (and at the right time) 

Using logs that are too big or too small can affect the efficiency of your stove. Logs that are too big will take longer to burn, and logs that are too small will burn too quickly. Use logs that are the right size for your stove to ensure maximum heat output. Use the smaller logs to begin build up in size, ensure the stove is at optimum burning temperature before burning the larger logs. 


Use the air controls correctly 

Familiarise yourself with the air controls on your stove; check the stove user manual for best practices. Shutting the vents to early before the stove has reached optimum operating temperature will reduce heat output. 


Install a stove heat shield or cast surround

A stove heat shield is a simple and effective way to maximize the heat output of your wood burning stove. It is a sheet of metal that is installed behind the stove, which helps to reflect heat back into the room. This can increase the efficiency of your stove by up to 20%, and it also helps to protect your walls from heat damage. 


stove with cast surround



Use a heat-powered stove fan 

A heat-powered stove fan is another way to get more heat from your wood-burning stove. These fans work by using the heat from the stove to generate electricity, which powers the fan. This means you don’t need any external power source, and the fan will start working as soon as the stove heats up. 


Use a stovepipe thermometer 

A stovepipe thermometer is a simple device that attaches to your stovepipe and measures the temperature of the exhaust gases. This can help you to ensure that your stove is running at the optimal temperature, which will help to maximise heat output and efficiency. 


stove pipe thermometer


By following these tips and tricks, you can turn your wood-burning stove into a high-performing heat source that will keep you comfortable all winter long. So, why not try out some of these methods and see how warm and cosy your home can truly be? Want some more help? Get in touch today. 

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